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Midi & Kits (41)

Gooroo Controllers Liobox2
Melbourne Instruments Roto-Control
Kenton Pro Solo MK3
Morningstar Engineering Morningstar MC-3 MIDI Controller
OR617 (YM617 replacement) (3-piece bundle)
CHD RS505-KBD: Roland RS-505 MIDI Interface
CHD TR2-KBD: Korg Trident (Mk I / II) MIDI Interface
CHD P61-KBD: Korg Poly-61 MIDI Interface
CHD VS-MIDI: Vermona Synthesiter MIDI Interface
CHD MP-KBD B: Korg Mono / Poly MIDI Interface
CHD MP-KBD A: Korg Mono / Poly MIDI Interface
CHD SH09-M: Roland SH-09 MIDI Interface
CHD SH2-M: Roland SH-2 MIDI Interface
CHD JU6-KBD: Roland Juno-6 / Juno-60 MIDI Interface
CHD K770-KBD: Korg 770, 700S, 900PS MIDI Interface
CHD SY2-KBD: Yamaha SY-2 (SY-1) MIDI Interface
CHD SAVVY: Tone Parameters Editor & Controller
Tubbutec uniPulse
Tubbutec Sh-1oh1 µTune
Showing 1 - 24 of 41